It’s totally terrifying to watch this onslaught. Today’s reading reports of Vance’s address in Europe beggars belief. The hide of him lecturing those present on free speech. Those of us who literally experienced the fallout of WW11 know a thing or two about acquiescence to right wing ideologies. He’s but a pup who needs to grow up.

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There doesn't appear to be any way to stop them as yet.

But resistance will build. Leaders will emerge.

(I hope.)

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Read this feeling teary after watching the last segment of Jim Acosta today -wow! Thank-you Jonathan for this read and for all your work.

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I wish Trump, Elon, Vance and all who think they are great would hop on a one of Musk's rockets and go and live on Mars. Trump can make a beautiful area to resettle people, permanently, in nice homes where they can be happy.

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This feels achingly close to the best, most succinct brief description of the current state of events. It does, and should feel terrifying.

But I have the feeling that until the tanks roll down the streets (or whatever the present day equivalent of that visceral demonstration of power and oppression will turn out to be) we will not be sufficiently moved to protest, and by then the moment will have passed.

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I still hear people say it can’t happen here. We are shocked that it happened in America. We will be equally as shocked when it happens here. ‘Strong men’ are a fashion. People believe if others have one, in order to survive, we need one too. As simple as that.

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Yes to all of that, cystal clear in hinndsight.

Things we did see in time, Drumpf for instance, made some of us shout and call him to account, others invested in his racist partisan fantasies, of dreams of past US hegemony reborn. others still believe him when he told us EXACTLY who he is.

When someone tells you exactly who they really are, believe them.

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